DC Coaching for Adults


When starting coaching sessions, it's very common to feel nervous. The fear around that can feel overwhelming. Taking steps to seek help for the challenges you face is a huge step. It takes courage to realize there are some challenges that you can’t face alone.

So many of my clients have been handling it on their own with no support from friends or family because "it's a secret” or they hide the full scale of the problem. Maybe you've been handling it on your own because you will be seen as a failure or be labeled as the one who broke the family apart.  You don't need to do this alone. What would it be like for you to have someone guide you through this struggle with expertise and support? Someone who has walked a similar path?

Take your time to read through my website. If you sense that I may be a good fit based on what you are reading, you can email me to schedule a 15 minute free phone consultation.

During the phone consultation, you can ask me questions about my approach, more about my training and education, or any other questions you may have that are specific-to-you. You’ll also be able to share what’s going on for you and we can determine how I could best be of service to you.

 On average my new clients report that they start seeing improvements after the first few sessions. By that point, they feel like they have learned some ways to manage the daily challenges they are facing.

The total duration of coaching varies from client to client. Some of my clients find 3-6 weeks to be enough to gain insight into their relationship challenges. While other clients feel more supported by longer term coaching

We will work together to find the length of time that works for you.

Any Question?

Whether you’re new to therapy or just new to me, this page will help answer some of your questions.  Want to know about something that’s not mentioned here?